Wednesday 13 April 2011

A Quick Wood Fired Oven

By some strange quirk of fate, the previous occupants, builders or some other lazy so and so left a sizeable stack of bricks, both new and unused and reclaimed, in the garden. I've used some to build a simple barbecue and will use others to make a short path. I had no idea, however, what to do with the rest. Now I know:

I lack the chimney liner, or anything similar, the builder of the example illustrated used for his 'chamber' and will try to build a corbelled roof instead, although I could use some stone blocks that are lying behind the shed.

I'll need to buy the wood though I'm shan't need much so it shouldn't be too costly.

The article describing the construction of the oven above can be seen here.



And will you cook in this oven? :)

William Gruff said...

That's the point of building it. I don't have a peel so I'll probably just bake some small flatbreads, focaccia or something, on an oven tray which might reduce problems with heat distribution through the loaf.

I may build it today; I don't know when I'll use it though (I can't afford the wood at present).