Tuesday 5 April 2011

I Really Shouldn't ...

... but I'm really proud of this:

I made four of this small loaf, of slightly different shapes and sizes, this evening, two of which we ate with dinner, which was a carrot and butter bean soup with onion and garlic, and croutons, although I used too much water and the soup was not as punchy as it should have been.

Mrs Gruff is taking one to work to eat with lunch tomorrow (later today). I think it looks beautiful. The texture is superb but the taste could have been brought out. I need to learn a bit more but I love making bread.

My apologies for the poor quality of the photographs; my digital camera is just a small compact, now five years old and not expensive when bought, it serves its purpose however, and it was a present.



You're so domesticated. :)

The breads look lovely and the soup sounds divine!

Did you add lemon to the bread?

Uncle Dick Madeley said...

Drools... I *love* homemade bread...