Wednesday 12 January 2011

Volare II

Here's a Scotch joke:

Q: What's the difference between Dean Martin and Walt Disney?

A: Dean Martin sengs but Walt disnae.

Dean Martin: The drinking man's crooner of choice. Here's to your memory Mr Martin.


GoodnightVienna said...

Am I still banned? There's no beating Dean Martin when it comes to this song, WG. Thanks for the link.

William Gruff said...

I don't ban anyone. If the comment is undeserved I reserve the right to delete it. If I tell someone to fuck off and they fuck off they've banned themselves.

Naturally I am responsible for anything I do or so when in my cups, as is everyone else when in theirs.


I HATE dean Martin but not as much as I hated the other two , Old Blue Eyes and Jerry Lewis.