Sunday 2 January 2011

A Portent?

Spike, the hamster bought at the end of September to replace Prudence, has died unexpectedly. He was about four months old and apparently in good health. He seems simply to have curled up in his little hidey hole and gone to sleep, never again to wake. It's been a bad year for deaths: five fish, two hamsters, Old Mother Gruff, two cars, three jobs, more money and very nearly the will to live.

Never mind.



Oh, I'm sorry to hear about poor Spike. Did he have wet tail? [I think it so sweet how you give your pets an obit, Gruffy.]

William Gruff said...

No. There was no obvious cause of death. He just seems to have died.

These things happen but, as daft it may seem, we'll miss him.

Red Fred said...

I'm sure you gave him a decent send-off; unlike my sister in law, who just put her deceased hamster in the dustbin!

Thought that was rather heartless

I hope a new 'Spike' will soon be found

William Gruff said...

Spike, like Prudence, lies peacefully in the freezer until he can be laid peacefully to rest with full honours.

We buried the first Spike (we decided to call all our male hamsters Spike) at Shap Abbey with food for the journey to his ancestors and some nesting material to keep him snug on cold winter nights, and yes we are both (notionally) sane adults, believe it or not.