Thursday 6 January 2011

Germany Calling

I've just started watching, at BBC iPlayer, a 'documentary' about the mind and 'scientific' attempts to control it, or so the blurb goes. I have a very deeply rooted distrust of science that took deep root long before I observed the 'scientific' cruelty of a fellow pupil who went on to become a scientist in an esteemed but no less frightening field, and was old enough to confront an aunt involved, at the sharp end, literally, with psychiatric medicine about the inhumanity of it, so I expect that the film, its opening sequence having already pressed numerous triggers and thrown open all manner of synapses, will arouse all manner of reactions. I don't want to watch the programme but I know that I must.

To paraphrase a notorious war criminal: When I hear the word scientist I release the safety catch on my revolver.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with something distasteful.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.

Post script: Watch this

Read this.

It may not be as easy as you think to think for yourself, especially if you are a committed professional committed to a predetermined outcome.

Watch the programme and ask yourself why the BBC presented it.

Post post script: Did you notice that when his subject pronounced liquorice as likkeriss the presenter said likkeriss and when the presenter was addressing the viewer he said likkerrish? Is it just me or was that ironic?

1 comment:


I love how you can write long sentences without muddling them up like I do.