Thursday 21 October 2010

Robotic Indian Call Centre Agents

I've just had yet another bloody annoying exchange with an Indian call centre agent. They all speak in that irritating, harshly metallic, robotic drone, and as usual the call ended abruptly because the robot attempted to take control of it by cutting in as I was speaking and then talking over me in the loud and insistent manner they adopt when they realise they aren't going to get their way.

Having refused to accept my payment and hung up on me he has at least given me the moral high ground and I can now wait until 'collections' write to me, which they will have to do at some point as I never give out any personal information on inbound calls and representatives of financial institutions cannot proceed with a call unless I do.

I could save myself a great deal of trouble by setting up a standing order but I never seem to remember to do so. I think I shall make it a priority as I'm no longer prepared to deal with Indians.

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