Sunday 31 October 2010

On Being 'Creative'

Amongst the myriad words that have been corrupted over the past four or more decades is the adjective creative, which once described people with an ability to create something of worth or value. In those days creative people did not always trouble themselves to look like artists, or what they thought artists looked like or should look like or might look like. These days the word seems to describe anyone without any dress sense and a taste for the tastelessly eclectic, and usually without any ability to create anything of worth or value, which is my way of describing those who acquire and arrange the sort of tat that might cause one to blanch in shame were one compelled, by force of circumstance, to send to the church jumble sale.

Plus ça change ... , or not, since things have not stayed the same but declined considerably.

1 comment:


I hate tat and I hate poseurs.