Wednesday 10 December 2008

Well, After All, It's Only Rubbish, Isn't It?

For some odd reason the microbes who constitute what is, so far, the un-notifiable disease that is the 'blogosphere' (a ridiculous word that is, perhaps, intended to restrict the free expression of self in much the same way that the wholly spurious concept of 'netiquette' was intended to fifteen years ago), have taken to comparing themselves to characters from science fiction. As viruses go, this one seems to be particularly contagious and I offer that as my excuse for indulging myself. My reason for publishing the result is that it wasn't quite what I'd expected and to have denied it would have been cowardly.

So here it is:

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Naturally Mrs Gruff, a devoted Tolkien fan (comment deleted) laughed and said, not entirely patronisingly, 'how lovely'. I await angela's comment with interest.

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