Saturday 24 December 2011

That's All Right Mama




Wow! I have not known anybody to sin g this song but Elvis. When was this version recorded, Gruffy?
IMpressed hat you'd find an obscure, non- Elvis version. :)

William Gruff said...

LOL. I specialise in obscurity and have often been told that I have a dry or obscure sense of humour, which is, perhaps, a way of saying I lack one, which betrays a lack of empathy on their parts I think, since those who like me, your good self amongst them, say they find me amusing, and I'm disinclined to disagree with them :).

Anyway, that notwithstanding, the song was written and recorded by Arthur Crudup in 1946. A comment at the blog It's Great Shakes offers the following regarding the Dwain Louis version:

'From : "Primitive screaming rocker recorded at WIBV studio's Belleville ILL in 1959. Ron A.K.A. Uncle Buck Lipe (Marlo, Ron-Mar labels) was the engineer.The lead guitarist also played with Kenny Loran on Dawn records in the same period. Unreleased and Rare due to the fact that almost all copies were destroyed by water damage. Action ended at 1000 $!!'

I shall put up any videos I can find of other artistes performing the song, just for you.

Merry Christmas, and a happy and prosperous new year to you and yours.