Sunday 25 July 2010

Cumbria 'The Police': Earning Their Pay No Doubt.

My car died in Kendal on Friday evening. I managed to drive it to a car park and from there found a 'phone box and summoned assistance. Sometime after the assistance that could not assist me had come and gone, and while The Mrs Gruff and I awaited a tow home, and in between the arrival and departure of the local car borne chavs, a police car turned up. My first thought was not 'oh thank God' but 'Oh God, what the fuck do they want?' I was not glad to see them. In a difficult situation I thought them just a nuisance to be got rid of, so I smiled and nodded and said no thank you, in a manner the late Mother Gruff would have approved of, and made myself agreeable and held my breath and, in a difficult situation, breathed a sigh of relief that the police drove off and left us alone, knowing that they weren't there to protect me or anyone or any thing I value.

We got home and I'm grateful to 'The Police' for helping us by driving off and leaving us. I'm not being sarcastic: When I saw the police car my first thought was that we were in trouble and when one is in difficulties trouble from 'The Police' is the last thing one wants as a law abiding tax payer.

1 comment:

dickiebo said...

Hope you don't mind, Gruff. I've made this my Guest Post for today.
Glad to see that you haven't changed - yet!!! lol.