Wednesday 23 July 2008

Compare and Contrast

Thanks to Gallimaufry & Chips, an excellent, always interesting blog which is very much a Gruff 'more than daily' read, I've had a little fun testing the reading levels of this and another of my blogs, Pox Anglorum. Pox was assessed, like Gallimaufry & Chips, at 'genius' whilst this blog is merely of 'college (postgrad, recte: post-graduate)' standard. Whilst it's just a bit of fun, and utterly meaningless (and a rating of 'genius' means nothing more than that the authors of the test find a certain level of writing incomprehensible), the difference neatly demonstrates my own attitudes to each blog: Pox Anglorum was always intended as a very correct organ in which posts are carefully constructed, with long convoluted sentences and, as nearly as I am able, impeccable spelling and punctuation. Contributions there are intended as lectures, though the muse seems to have deserted me for the present and the foreseeable future, whilst contributions here are not meant as anything more than the disjointed conversational ramblings of an untidy mind. Spelling and punctuation are of less importance here and polysyllabic words less in evidence. Grrrr ... uff is meant for relaxation, in other words, whilst Pox is bloody hard work, which is why it isn't done.

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