Sunday 29 May 2011

Yes It's Soppy But ...



That is so adorable[as is your love of animals...even snails]. :)

They looked almost human-like,didn't they?

William Gruff said...

I prefer animals to people.

Chrysalis said...

Hi William,

I just began commenting again (after not commenting anywhere since February) at a youtube site.

I can't comment anywhere, because your above friend tends to follow me wherever I go with slams (cyberstalking).

Do you think you could speak to her about following behind me wherever I comment with slams?

I don't comment anywhere, especially not where she goes (unless she won't leave me alone).


William Gruff said...

Hello Chrysalis, and thank you for your comment, although I'm having trouble deciphering it. I have no idea whom you are alluding to but I suspect that you're asking me to intercede in what is apparently a private quarrel, in which case I would say that I never involve myself in affairs that are not my business.

You haven't commented here before so I'll just reiterate that I welcome everyone here, as long as they don't mind my odd ways (many do), but I do not welcome those who bring trouble with them.

My friends are my friends, and they are my friends because I like them, whatever faults they may have (some of them have almost as many as me). You won't be welcome here should you think, with that undoubtedly pretty and alluring smile, that you can use my blog as a platform to attack my friends.

Come again my dear but come in peace (and don't try to frighten me with keyloggers).