Tuesday 28 October 2008

Home Again

Spike (or Prudence) was located and assisted back to older, smaller quarters yesterday. Some rearrangement of the larger apartment is necessary before his return there but, for his own sake, he cannot be allowed to escape again: winter's coming on, for one thing and, despite a rodent's innate ability to thrive in the most unpropitious surroundings, a rat he ain't.


Brian said...

Did the Gordon Jackson "Good Luck" trick work or did the model plane he was flying run out of rubber twists just before the Swiss Alps? Hammie the Hamster and Animal Magic were two of my childhood favourites so I tend to over- anthropomorphacise all animals.

William Gruff said...

Neither. His tunnel was discovered five yards from the wire and, when tested, I could clearly smell what the police call 'intoxicants', in this case mentho-lyptus, on his breath. It was a fair cop and society is definitely not to blame.