No It's nothing to do with me, nor Mrs Gruff, who is the tenant here (I'm just a non-paying, long-staying guest): The landlord seems to take pleasure in preventing anyone from doing anything about it (including the proprietors of the Chinese chippy next door - whose rubbish that is) merely to assert his rights over the property. We'd take care of it, though having spent almost a thousand on the garden of the last property, with the agent's agreement, only to see it all ripped out on the whim of the landlord I wouldn't invest any of my own money, but he won't allow us to. I'm stuck here for now but there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. I don't expect that particular sun will rise but one never knows.
The moral of this tale is that if one is not careful one can end up living (?) in a decaying hovel in a local environment over which one has not the least influence, and you can forget any thoughts of anything as liberating as control.
If I were you I'd get a big photo of the Malvern Hills and stick it on the inside of the window.
A 'muriel' you mean? Frightfully infra dig., dontcha know.
You're not too wide of the mark there Idle. I stay sane by driving to the lakes when I have enough cash. I cannot do anything when I get there, but just being in the hills, surrounded by trees, is enough to soothe this savage brow
Mention of Malvern Hills reminds me that I'm trying to reassemble the stereo, after two years in pieces. I cannot recall which plug goes in which socket and there are quite a few on the back of the amplifier (all labelled but I need new specs and cannot read the tiny print).
If I lived close enough to the Lakes I would drive there often with my lunch and a thermos of hot bullshot and walk the hills with my hound. I first went with school, took soldiers there in army days, and once, foolishly, did the 24 Peaks challenge. Love the place. South Downs not really on the same scale.
Stereo long since consigned to the jumble sale. iTunes and a decent set of speakers works well enough here.
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