Tuesday, 2 December 2014
A Spitfire Flying Dray to Ferry Beer to France
Here's a close-up of the unusual jettison tanks:
The load was reportedly known as the Model XXX Depth Charge. Very witty.
Details of the aircraft and the reason for its modification can be read at Zythophile, here.

More photographs of this stylish, if rather heavily overworked (I don't like the polyurethane epoxy finish on the unpainted wood, or the chromed hull and deck fittings.) launch, at the Daily Mail.

Madelvic Horseless Carriage
You can read about it here.

A Heilmann Horseless Carriage
The photograph was taken from Just a car guy (who found it at Philippe Boursin's French website HISTOIRE DE LA VOITURE ELECTRIQUE), which I found via Hemmings Daily.

A Nice Gaff
The picture was taken from here, as was this:
The house would benefit immeasurably from the more inspiring surroundings of a relatively unspoiled landscape.
The same images can be viewed at this site.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
French Army Kites for Reconnaissance
The kites were also capable of lifting a man in a wicker basket. They were, apparently, flown when windspeed reached ten metres per second, which, at thirty six kilometres per hour, or approximately twenty two and a half miles per hour, was too high for balloons. The idea of man lifting kites was conceived and developed by the American aviation pioneer Samuel Cody (see here) (1), who was employed by the War Office from 1894 onwards and who patented a design in 1901 with which he was towed across the channel by rowing boat in 1903. The British army began using man lifting kites for observation in 1906. However, according to this web site (Carnet de Vol), his attempt to interest the powers that were in powered aeroplanes was unsuccessful as the Imperial Defence Committee (Aerial Navigation) decided that such craft were of no military value.
The device looks like fun and a scale model of that rig might be an interesting project.
This is the aeroplane Cody presented to the Imperial Defence Committee in 1908:
1 Correction: I've discovered that Cody simply modified the kite designed by Lawrence Hargrave (see here, here and elsewhere) almost twenty years earlier, after emigrating to Australia. I think another post, about Hargrave, is necessary.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Monday, 22 September 2014
Baby Bootlegger
and a copy (Turn off your sound unless you like whipped butter and double dipped lard with your lowest common denominator Country and Western.):
Part 1
Part 2
'To be continued.'
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Vodafone: Bloody Awful - No Thanks
The obvious solution was to call the Customer Service desk on our land line, which I did but Vodafone's automatic call router, or whatever it's called, stumped me. After listening to an irritating female voice, with a nearly hysterical edge, I began the interminable process of pressing buttons and listening to further useless messages, eventually coming to 'please enter your phone number now (or words to that effect). Press 'hash' if you do not have a number.' I pressed #, only to hear again 'please enter your phone number now. Press 'hash' if you do not have a number.' I pressed #, only to hear again 'please enter your phone number now. Press 'hash' if you do not have a number.' I pressed #, only to hear again 'please enter your phone number now. Press 'hash' if you do not have a number.' I pressed #, only to hear again 'please enter your phone number now. Press 'hash' if you do not have a number.' I pressed # and then I gave up.
The solution to my problem is of course to write off the £0.99 cost of the Vodafone SIM card as yet another of life's myriad small annoyances and move on, choosing another SIM card from another provider, although not Orange (now EE), whose lousy non-service prompted the abortive switch to Vodafone. That's the joy of the 'free market', isn't it: dissatisfied with product, service or provider A one can move on to product, service or provider B, although one can never recover the numerous wasted small sums nor obtain even a penny in compensation for the fruitless telephone calls, the frustration, stress and time wasted trying to use seriously flawed products and services. A more accurate term to describe what is laughably called the 'free market' is the spiv economy, in which customers are merely mugs to be swindled by wide-boys. I'll have a look at some forums before wasting another quid.
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Jim and The Beatmakers: My Only One

Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Tom Waites: 'Hold On'
Some years ago, when TMG and I lived in Berwick-upon-Tweed, I played this while consuming a considerable quantity of neat Plymouth gin, probably tinted with Angosturra Bitters - for years we were never without a bottle (those were the days), and, as is my habit still when in my cups, I put the track on endless play and worked my way doggedly towards oblivion. I recall, clearly, before I passed out, replying in like kind to the neighbour angrily banging on the wall, though which one in that jumbled mediaeval close I knew not. At some point TMG, perceiving that I had subsided into blissful unconsciousness and determined to succumb to the sleep spirits that tormented her, broke in to switch off the music. Had she not asked the following morning I might still be completely unaware that in pushing, with difficulty, the door open she twisted my neck through perhaps one hundred and twenty degrees, making frightening grinding and cracking sounds as she did so. It says something for her resolve, and that of most women, that she left me senseless there and went back to bed, there subsequently to enjoy an undisturbed night.
Eadweard Muybridge
Movement One:
Movement Three:
Movement Four:
Movement Five:

Thursday, 27 March 2014
Who'd've Thought It? or What's In a Name?
If what was once called 'Rock 'n' Roll' (a term I have always disliked) is now to be habitually misnamed I may, as a long, long, long time Rockabilly afficianado, just get 'into' what I once disliked as 'Rock 'n' Roll'.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014
A Picket Fence of Mirrors
I like that sort of thing. The picture was lifted without permission from Colossal. It can be found here.