Sunday, 12 April 2009

I Like This

Gruff thanks to the DJs at work.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Bigotry and Chips, On Both Shoulders

The south east of England, with London, is the only 'region' of the 'United' Kingdom to make a profit, which makes the rest of this accursed 'country', including the surly Celtic fringes, dependent on the industry and ingenuity of those who live there and doubtless accounts for the widespread resentment expressed towards them. Although I live in the north west I am from the south east and I think it 'sporting' to advise outsiders that in the south east of England those who describe all Londoners as 'cockneys' and regard those whose taxes pay for their state subsidised lifestyles as 'idiots' are regarded as ill-informed and ill-mannered fools biting the hand that feeds them.