Thursday, 20 November 2008

How She Did It

This is how Prudence managed to escape from her luxury gaff:

My apologies for the appalling photograph but I hadn't much time to catch her in the act of walking upside down on the roof of the cage. It was obviously no problem for her to push her way through the unfastened trap. I've also seen her climbing up the chewy thing that hangs from the same bars to reach them.

She's a clever little rodent.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Suck It And See

More bloody irritation. Those comfortably placed 'owner occupiers' who think living in private rented accommodation is such a bloody good idea for others should try it themselves.

Mood: Fed up, browned off and generally bloody angry.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

It's A Girl

Spike showing no sign, at about three months old, of being Spike, he must be presumed to be Prudence.