Thursday, 27 December 2007

Ode To Raymond Briggs

I hate Bloomin' Christmas.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

A Bacon and Egg Toastie, With Cream

One of the delights of night shift working is a late breakfast. Four half-litre bottles of Whitechapel Porter, two cups of coffee, a bacon and egg tortilla wrap and a bacon and egg roll and cream.

Here's the cream for your delectation and delight:

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

No Sign of Snow But ...

... Christmas is clearly drawing nigh for there is a Christmas tree on the outside wall, between the two sitting room windows. It has been there since before Guy Fawke's Night. The rest of the semi-detached blocks of Edwardian houses that have been converted to shops with flats above have been similarly adorned. I cannot help but wonder if the baker's shop next door but one will be selling hot cross buns next week. Presumably the local traders' association believes that people can be inveigled into spending a little more of the little that the fat, one-eyed Scotch bastard in The Braun Haus hasn't extorted as quangogeld.

Thus far, there have been no complaints that the seriously premature display is 'offensive to Moslems', although last year the festive display was banned in St Annes Square.